I want to get started now!

PEAK is an online group coaching program for dog trainers, so you can learn how to make 2x as much working 1/2 the time, get more clients that you LOVE, get your name out there without wasting money on things that don't work well for dog trainers, and get to your potential (your next PEAK) WAY faster than you could on your own.  

Get inspiration from our past students' stories below... and don't forget there's a 100% refund guarantee... 

Get all the details and inspiration from our past students' stories below...

If you have any questions, text Molly's team at 904-321-9551 or email [email protected].

P - PEOPLE, PROGRAMS & PRICES: Figure out the minds of your most ideal clients (what they want, what they value and what they'll buy), build your programs around that, and  price your programs wisely... so that you make more per client and get BETTER clients

E - ENGAGE: Actually enjoy interacting with people & selling with a step by step process that gets your most ideal clients to happily choose you over anyone else... and happily wait for you even when you have a waitlist!

A - ATTRACT: This is the most paid attention to part of marketing, and the most frustrating.  Learn the best strategies for getting your name out there without wasting time and money on things that don't work for dog trainers, and how to write your website so you attract exactly who you want.

K - KEEP GROWING:  Without burning out.  This is the advanced level training.  Once you have all the main pieces of your business sorted out, now you need to know how to manage your time, organize things, have systems, hire for the right things, delegate well and put in boundaries so you don't go crazy! 

Watch this 3 minute video of stories sent to us recently from current PEAK students...

I have built my reputation on being able to help dog trainers like you to make a lot more money even while working less, by creating better dog training programs.  

The thousands of dog trainers I've had the honor of helping… their results speak for themselves.  

Dog trainers from all over the world, with different personalities, who use many different training methods... dog trainers just like you.

Here's a video where I talk about my own struggle as a dog trainer... what happened when I, even as a marketing nerd, failed... and then what I did to stop failing.  

I know what you’re thinking...


If you want to get better clients who listen to you, understand the value of what you do and happily pay you what you deserve, you're in the right place. 

I’m sure you got into this business because you wanted to have a job you love. You didn't want to spend your life waking up to a job you hate.  You love working with dogs and wanted to make a thriving business out of it.

Maybe you just feel like you haven’t reached your full potential. Maybe you feel burned out because of dealing with bad clients or just having too many lessons. 

Maybe you sometimes struggle to even get clients.  Maybe things have really gone downhill and you are starting to hate training dogs, but going to a regular job isn't an option either.

This program will give you the clarity you need, so everything you do will be with purpose and enthusiasm, because you’ll know that what you are doing simply works.

I’m going to give you the most powerful system I know for accelerating your success. 


When I say accelerate, I mean skipping years of painful trial and error and making years of progress in only days.


You will enter this coaching program with the figure-it-out-as-you-go marketing plan you have now, and leave with brand new programs you just can't wait to show dog owners... and the comfortable skills to confidently sell them.

The very first time you sell one of your new programs, everything will become even more real to you... as your eyes are opened to the endless possibilities your business now has.

In just a minute I’m going to show you how you can join the many other dog trainers who have already been down the path you are about to take.

As dog trainers, the big problem we have is...


...we got into this business because we love dogs and helping people.  (Mostly dogs.)

Not because we are trained marketing experts or sales people and business pros. 

What ends up happening is we just figure it out as we go along, through trial and error. 

Maybe you even just look at other dog trainers’ websites and services and model what you do after them, like I did when I started.  The problem is we don't even know how successful they are and it could be the blind leading the blind.  

Your business is unique, and what everyone else seems to do won't always work for you.

This all results in the number one reason dog training businesses fail...

Too low of an income per client (AKA undercharging). 

This leads to:

  • Burnout
  • Clients who don't listen
  • Overwhelm
  • Not enough time, not enough money, or both.

If you are struggling with inconsistent income, annoying ups and downs, not reaching your full potential, burnout or just tired of waiting to get where you want to go...

it’s not your fault.

I have been there myself. I understand what you are dealing with. 


BUT "it's not your fault" doesn't mean "there's nothing you can do".

If you don’t love your business, it will eventually drain you.


Over time you have to deal with: 

Bad clients... who don't listen and then blame you, low quality leads that ghost you,  and even people who leave bad reviews trying to ruin your reputation.

Feeling Overwhelmed

Every task seems equally important and you don't even know where to start


You know you have to make changes, but you're afraid that you could even make things worse so you feel stuck


You don't have time to spend with your own precious dogs, your family and friends, and have little time to yourself to recharge

Lack of Confidence

Since people are rejecting your ALREADY TOO LOW prices... you feel like you have to just WORK more to make more

All these things lead you to where I was.

Not enjoying your business.

There is hope. 


Anything you don't know now, you can learn.

Being successful is not a result of natural abilities, it's about learning what you don't know, developing skills, and following steps. 

What stands between you and the success you want is things like having the right dog training programs for your clients, knowing how to sell them, knowing how to attract the clients you want with a really well written website, and knowing how to get your name out there without wasting a ton of money and effort.

For example, JUST changing your programs can have a HUGE impact alone.

Many of the stories you see below, they got these results mostly by just improving their dog training programs and pricing strategies.  

After offering the type of programs I help dog trainers create, it's very common for dog trainers to average $2000-3000 per client or even much more. 

Or to double their income (or more) from the same number of clients.  Or make twice as much working half as much.

(Which means you can easily make back your investment for this program with one client.)

If I told you the high end of what some trainers successfully charge for their highest priced programs, you probably wouldn't believe me.

And they sell them regularly, to normal people (not just rich people), who are great (and grateful!) awesome clients.

Not only will you learn how to do these exact same things in PEAK...

You'll also learn how to talk to people in a way that makes them happily choose you over another dog trainer... happily wait till your next opening (even if it's months from now)... and gets you the BEST happiest most committed people.

And you'll learn how to write your website to attract more people like that.

And you'll learn how to get your name out there without all the overwhelm and confusion and expense on things that don't really work all that well for dog trainers specifically.

 ANND you'll learn how to scale, grow, and thrive consistently without burnout, and without the mistakes trainers make once they reach their next big goals.  Learn how to manage your time, hire for the right things, scale with online training, and more advanced marketing strategies... for when you're ready!

Even though I was a great dog trainer, I almost quit.

Things had been going along ok for several years for my dog training business. I had enough clients and even had some extra money at the end of most months.

Then the 2008-09 financial crisis came.

A combination of unexpected expenses of tens of thousands of dollars for adopting children, having a newborn with a major health problem and the sudden economic crisis, had left us in major debt. 

Things were so tight I remember buying a $20 blender at Walmart felt like a life or death decision.  (One of the few times I cried in public and made a scene about how ridiculous our life had become.) 

The stress was paralyzing.  I thought training dogs just wasn’t going to be enough to even pay the bills.

How a scary decision changed my life forever.


I thought the solution to our money problems was to start a new second business, which would eventually replace dog training. I decided on wedding planning, since I just loved weddings and parties.   

(I need to stop making single friends.  I’ve been in so many weddings.  Just kidding, you’re welcome to ask me to be your bridesmaid!)


Then came my leap of faith.


I borrowed and put on credit cards $10,000 for a coaching program that promised to help me learn how to create and grow my new wedding planning business. 

I was so scared! I just knew things couldn't keep going the way they were, so I went for it. 

I had to convince my somewhat skeptical husband this was the right decision and that I wasn’t crazy. 

I’m so glad he believed in me. I was all in, the boats were burned, there was no turning back.  It was do or die.

When I came home from the live part of the coaching program, I decided to apply some of the knowledge to the dog training business since the wedding planning business wasn't ready to go yet.

To my surprise, the very next month we made $20,000 training dogs!  Our best month ever at that point.

The success just stacked one month after another. The wedding planning business turned into a footnote and the dog training business exploded for years to come.

I became a marketing nerd who was determined to learn everything I could about marketing and create systems to improve my dog training business. 

I had made more progress in just a few days than I had in the previous 2 years.

The funny thing was, I wasn't relying on any tricks or gimmicks, but just tried-and-true marketing principles applied specifically to a dog training business.

I was sure I had finally found the keys to running a dog training business successfully.

After years of success I always had this thought in the back of my mind...

If this worked so well for me, wouldn't it work for any dog training business?

Just Tell Me What To Do!


The best kind of coaching programs are not the ones where you hear a lot of motivational speeches and a lot of fluff. 

I leave those programs thinking, “just tell me what to do please!”

The best programs are the ones where you get things DONE while you learn.

I like programs where you get results fast, not years from now, but days from now.

I love programs that are step by step where I’m told exactly what to do and in what order.

I personally will only join a program when I think I can make back the investment and more within weeks, if not days.

This is exactly how I designed this program.

Here's what you're getting inside the program...

This program is loaded with things that will inspire life changing breakthroughs and blow your mind.


It’s been known to do exactly that, for hundreds of dog trainers, for years.


To put things simply, this program is designed to do four main things:

Show you step by step how to create dog training programs (not packages) that are described in a way that shows their value and benefits to your most ideal clients, which means you make more per client.

Allow you to
sell your programs using my original 9 step sales process, which is extremely effective, simple, easy to follow and comfortable to use.

Show you how to get your name out there by making sure you can be found by dog owners who are looking for a dog trainer, and make them more likely to contact you (and choose you!) when they do find you.

Keep your business growing and thriving by knowing how to manage your time, keep great systems in place, have boundaries for work/life balance, hire when you need to (and avoid hiring mistakes!).

By doing this, dog trainers in this program are able to:


Take more time off 

Increase their income dramatically

 Work with great clients who listen

 Enjoy their businesses again, like they imagined they would when they first started

What Past Students Say About What Molly Teaches...

Glenn & Heather ⤴

Burning out? This amazing couple worked with Molly, doubled their income and then doubled it again. 

Watch their story to find out how they went from about $6k a month to averaging $25k a month by changing their programs and sales process to show the true value of what they do for their clients. 

Michelle ⤴

Struggling AND burning out?? When we met Michelle, she was making $3k on average per month and working herself to DEATH. Within 4 months, she was earning $20k a month. Now she is consistently still around $20k a month and working LESS than she used to. She takes plenty of time off to spend with her baby, her husband, her dogs, travel and have hobbies. Watch her story to find out what she did.

MJ ⤴

Heads up new trainers! This beautiful lady just started her business in 2021. She did one of our programs back in January 2021, knowing she needed to learn how to market herself and run her business asap. She officially started in May that year, immediately surpassed her expectations by making $7k that month, then $15k the next. She quit her regular job, and then life threw her for a loop in June when she suddenly needed to deal with and recover from a medical scare. She has been consistently making about $8k a month with LOTS of time off. She puts work around other things she wants to do (her own self care included). We love you MJ!

Joe Kelly ⤴

DISCOURAGED?  Watch Joe.  (Fun Irish accent!!) Joe always credits Molly for saving his career. He was scared (and scarred) by another dog training biz coach who told him that he would most definitely fail. He went from barely making ends meet and burning out, to now only working with his most ideal clients, has the income and lifestyle he wants, and plenty of time for his hobbies. All because he learned how to show his value to dog owners and charge what he's worth. Listen to him talk about the things he learned, changed, and the impacts that had on his business.

Jaime ⤴

Need to make more AND work less? This awesome dog trainer, over the years that we've seen her posting in our groups, went from $1k a month to now consistently $16-20k a month with PLENTY of time off. In her story she says exactly what she changed and how it's impacted her life.

Whitley ⤴

SUCCESSFUL ALREADY? We love Whitley's story because she came to us ALREADY doing amazing in her business. At the time she was making ~ $2500 average per client and ~ $20k a month, to now averaging $3500 per client and making $30-60k a month with the freedom of MORE TIME OFF. Not to mention better (happier) clients with better results. All this from making one primary change. Watch the video to find out!

UPDATE: Whitley has now surpassed $1,000,000/year with more time off - with just a super small team including her mom (who is her admin!).  Her average income per client is now nearly $5k.

This program shouldn't cost you a dime, here’s why...

If all this program did was one of the following:

  1. Help you dramatically increase how much you make per client, which means you will need fewer clients every month.
  2. Feel confident selling because you have a plan to follow that works.
  3. Sell just one high-value program per month and see your income skyrocket.
  4. Improve the quality of your clients (get more clients who listen!), and improving the results they get, which means a deep sense of satisfaction for you.
  5. Introduce you to a super supportive group of dog trainers who are going through the same journey you are.
  6. Teach you how to get your name out there effectively, with the marketing methods that work consistently worldwide for dog trainers so you don't waste time and money on things that don't work.
  7. KEEP YOU GROWING... as your business grows and changes, you'll face new challenges.  Learn how to scale, automate, create systems, boundaries and manage your time.

Most people who say any one of these would be worth the investment in this program.  (And in my humble, but accurate, opinion… that’s true.)

This program is designed to provide you with not one or even two of these benefits…

But all seven … plus much more!

Register now because time is very limited.


I want to get started!

Here is what you are getting in this program: 

  • BASECAMP (AKA the Trail Map): Training on how to figure out exactly what you personally need to end the struggle or the burnout, thrive consistently, stop the ups and downs, grow to the next level, and reach your highest potential much much much faster than you could on your own.  You will learn how to analyze your business to figure out where the holes are, which will keep you from ever being overwhelmed or confused about what to work on and why. 
  • PEAK On-Demand Training to learn the 4 key elements of PEAK (program creation & pricing, selling, creating a great website & advertising, and scaling).
    You can watch (learning and doing at the same time) at your own pace
    . You'll even have access to the entire program in an app so you can easily listen on the go.  ($3997 value)
  • COACHING CALLS: LIVE Q&A group coaching calls over the next few weeks to get help or ask questions or get unstuck ($1500 value)
  • BONUS: The Goldmine... which is a collection of workshops, downloads, videos, guides and programs that is normally ONLY available to Molly's $35k+ private coaching clients. These will help you with everything from time management, starting a new business, hiring, scaling & growing, ending struggles, dealing with price shoppers, making your income more consistent, and SO much more.  ($5000 value) 
  • BONUS: PRIVATE ALUMNI Facebook Group - Access to past students together in a Facebook group - get the wisdom, support, accountability and inspiration (and ideas!) of those who have already been successful in this program. (Truly priceless value.)
  • BONUS: Tons of other workshops and trainings on everything from scaling, time management, organizing, hiring, creating online courses, and LOTS more ($2853 Value)
Total ACTUAL Retail Value: $13350+

(the investment is a fraction of this) 

It's your time.


At this point there are only two ways this can go. Two paths you can take. 

You can take the path to the left. On this path you figure it all out on your own. It’s a lot of trial and error and guesswork. You won’t be traveling with other successful dog trainers, instead these trainers are critical and mean.  It’s more like a bunch of people wandering aimlessly bumping into things while criticizing others' training methods. 

You keep doing the same things and wonder why nothing seems to change. The path is not clearly marked and you will never be sure if your decisions are good since you are just trying random things and hoping. 

The other way is to the right. 

This path is well marked with clear direction so you always know where you are. I am right there next to you, along with other smiling and happy dog trainers all traveling together. On this path, when someone struggles they are kindly helped.  

Although everyone has unique business, everyone shares common goals and a determination to be successful. 

This is well worn by the many trainers who have gone down ahead already. It's not easy, but it's surely easier and it's the path that will take you to where you know you need to be.

I hope you join me and the many other dog trainers who have already gone down this path.

*Enrollment for PEAK just recently closed. So sorry you missed it. Want to get to get the next spot when it opens?*


Fill out the application to get early notification when we open again. ⤵

If you have any questions or concerns about the program, call or email us.  We're happy to help!  [email protected]

apply for a spot! (no obligation)

Got Questions?

Earnings Disclaimer:
We don't believe in "get rich" programs - only in hard work, adding value, building a real and professional career, and serving others with excellence and constancy. Our programs are intended to help you in your business, take a normal, expected amount of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. Please don't enroll in our programs if you believe in applying what you learn in order to get the results; we only want serious people dedicated to real professional development. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you.  We just want to help by giving great content, direction, and strategies.   You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. No results or examples mentioned by us or our students should be expected as definite. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Making decisions based on any information presented in our products, events, services, or website, should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience risk or losses just like any entrepreneurial endeavor. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstances.